The Diocese has 30 Parishes within 4 deaneries. There are 15 Diocesan Clergy and 30 missionary priests. There are also 5 FideiDonum priests. In total we have 50 priests. There are 15 Seminarians. Currently there are over 70 Religious nuns and 12 Religious brothers working in the Diocese. It is worth noting that a group of young ladies have joined a local Institute called Good Shepherd Sisters of the Immaculate Conception with the hope of becoming an institute of Consecrated life of diocesan right in the future. There are 9 candidates.
Since 2015 we have ordained 8 men to the priesthood. Lack of strategy to recruit vocations to the priesthood is the main problem why we have less vocations than anticipated in the strategic plan. More efforts have to be put in the promotion of vocations.
During these last years the on-going formation with monthly recollections at the diocesan level, mutual relations workshop and annual spiritual retreat continued to grow. These ongoing Mutual Relations’ Workshops have strengthened the links among the clergy and within the religious.
The Diocesan clergy managed to be exposed to trips and academic courses overseas. 1 priest managed to finish his doctorate and 2 other their Masters, in Rome and Pamplona.
The 2012 diocesan synod and the five-year strategic plan of the Catholic diocese of Lodwar recommended establishment of a minor seminary for:
These among other reasons made the diocese to establish the minor seminary in February of 2017.
The first 13 students of 2017 were housed at a former pastoral center (Nakicha Pastoral Center) at St. Augustine Cathedral until 3rd term of 2017. The diocese through various donors managed to purchase a piece of property (400m by 400m) in Nawoitorong area on the Kerio-Lodwar road and began construction in 2016.